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Zetec Miz 200

EC, ECThe MIZ-200 eddy current instrument can handle the most demanding environments with ease. Offered in both tubing and surface array configurations, MIZ-200 is ideal for applications within Balance-of-Plant/Power Generation, Transportation and Oil and Gas markets.

Tecnatom ETbox8i

ECT (Eddy Current), ECA (Array), RFT (Remote Field), MRPC.

Tecnatom ETbox2i

ECT (Eddy Current), ECA (Array), RFT (Remote Field).

Tecnatom ETboxMB

ECT (Eddy Current), ECA (Array), Conductivity & Thickness, Rotating Bolthole.

Innerspec Brio

BRIO is an advanced, ultra-portable Eddy Current Array (ECA) instrument designed for in-service inspections in aerospace, oil & gas, power generation, and manufacturing industries.

Inetec FalconA II

FALCON A II is a small size, high screen-to-body EC Array instrument completely optimized for hand-held inspections in the aviation industry.

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EddyFi Reddy

Packaged with the latest technology, Reddy® and its embedded data analysis software offer the most intuitive user experience, which includes real-time C-scans, a modern, rugged, and large multi-touch interface, as well as many other features that enable fast, high-PoD surface inspections.

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Zetec Miz-21C

Introducing MIZ-21C, the most advanced handheld instrument with surface array capabilities. The truly affordable MIZ-21C is ideal for aerospace, oil & gas, manufacturing and power generation applications. Its ergonomic design, long battery life and intuitive touchscreen enable the user to inspect more areas faster than ever without fatigue.

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Uniwest EVi

The EVi works directly with the UniWest family of Standard probes and accessories, as well as eddy current array (ECA) probes up to 128 elements. UniWest’s unmatched selection of standard and advanced display features set a new standard for flexibility of applications, ease of use, interpretation of data and overall operator accuracy.

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