Welcome to the Forum. Please take a moment to tell other subscribers a little bit about yourself. Here's a bit of info about me: Ed Korkowski was introduced to NDT in 1987 when he enrolled in the two-year vocational NDT training program at Ridgewater College in Hutchinson, MN. After receiving his diploma in Nondestructive testing, Ed went to work for a nuclear service company where worked as a certified Eddy Current data acquisition operator and data analyst from 1990-2005.
Ed became an EPRI-QDA (Qualified Data Analyst) in 1994, an ASNT Level III in ET in 1995, and a certified NDE Instructor 1998. Between 1998 and 2005, Ed spent most of his time as an Eddy Current data analyst, and providing EPRI QDA training to data analysts in Canada, Europe, and throughout the USA. In 2005, Ed went to work for a major energy company, where he is currently employed as the Principal ET Level III. Ed is currently a member of ASNT’s Electromagnetics Committee and is a member of several industry working groups related to eddy current inspections in the energy field.