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EtherNDE RailCheck

The RailCheck Flaw detector is a hand-held Eddy current flaw detector, modified for specific rail inspection, and is easily partnered with a rail trolley and ETher NDE’s rail probes.

OKONDT ETS2-73 Rail Tester

Durability and reliability of rails in-service play a decisive role in railroad industry that is due to the fact that the development of the defects and breach of strength characteristics of the rails can result in their breakage or even lead to crashes. Operation of rails within many years has shown which types of defects are mainly developed in them (see UIC Code 712 R) and, of course, it can have a crucial effect on the railroad traffic safety.

OKOSCAN 73-HS Rail Tester

The OKOSCAN 73HS system of combined rail testing is designed for: ultrasonic (UT) and eddy-current (ECT) testing of railway track at a speed up to 40 km/h and detection of all the defects specified in the UIC 712 R (International Union of Railways Code of Rail Defects); measurement of defect parameters and saving the testing results in the database.


The ROHMANN-inspection trolley is made from ultra-lightweight carbon fiber and is easily handled by just one operator. The trolley can be assembled and disassembled without tools within a matter of minutes. It is versatile and may be equipped with a variety of eddy-current test instruments depending on the inspection at hand. It is guided with a new and patented magnetic holder that enables an extremely smooth running and precise inspection of the entire rail head. The trolley is solely guided along the running edge by magnetic force (adjustable) and is completely suitable for switches.

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