Test Instruments for Aviation

Rohmann Rotary Scanners
Absolute probes, differential and multi differential probes Dynamic testing for minute defects with high local resolution and great sensitivity, carried out almost independently of the feed speed. At the same time, the highly developed filtering technology in our test systems is employed to the full and most interfering effects can be suppressed. We have the appropriate system for all investigations of plane surfaces, small and largeholes, pipe interiors and exteriors, ranging from 0.8 mm to 200 mm. https://ndt-rohmann.com/portfolio-items/hand-held-rotors-and-rotating-probes/?portfolioCats=122%2C113%2C133

EtherNDE Rotary Scanners
We are pleased to be able to offer two Rotary Drives to meet your application needs. Eddy current rotary inspections of fastener holes and countersinks are performed routinely in the Aircraft Maintenance Industry and now the method is also being used increasingly in the power generation industry for the inspection of bolt-holes on wind turbines. High-speed surface inspection is also another area of increasing usage. https://ethernde.com/probes/hole-inspection/rotary-drives

Uniwest Rotary Scanners
UniWest rotating bolt hole scanners offer a full range of solutions. With a wide range of features such as speed ranges from 125 to 3,800 rpm, frequency ranges from 20 kHz to 10 MHz, multiple connector types, and multiple probe types, you are sure to find a bolt hole scanner for your application. https://uniwest.com/scanners/

Evident Rotary Scanners
NORTECâ„¢ handheld rotating bolthole scanners work with our line of NORTEC eddy current flaw detectors. Featuring a speed range of 600 to 3000 rpm, a frequency range of 100 kHz to 6 MHz, and supporting both 4-pin LEMO and 4-pin Fischer scanner probes, our eddy current rotating scanners are suited for many industrial applications. https://ims.evidentscientific.com/en/flaw-detectors/eddy-current/rotating-bolthole-scanners