Test Instruments for Aviation

Uniwest ETC-2000
The ETC-2000 jet engine EC scanning system, developed under the auspices of the ETC (Engine Titanium Consortium), is a semi-automated system for scanning fracture-critical jet engine components. The scanner was developed to work with most jet engine OEM components requiring highly critical eddy current testing. https://uniwest.com/systems/etc-2000/

Rohmann Elotest PL650
Flexible and precise 3-axis eddy current testing for cracks and grinding burn. The Flexitest is suitable for flexible testing of individual parts and pre-series products as well as for repeated testing of series components. https://ndt-rohmann.com/portfolio-items/elotest-pl650-with-flexitest/?portfolioCats=122%2C113%2C133

Rohmann Eloscan
The EloScan-system has been designed mainly for the eddy-current inspection of rotationally symmetrical components of aircraft engines. Due to its very universal design the system is also able to scan complex geometries that require very precise probe guidance and a high repeating accuracy. https://ndt-rohmann.com/portfolio-items/eloscan/?portfolioCats=122%2C113%2C133